000—Art director and image maker. I mean, I create concepts with visual outputs. Specialized in visual research, working across the fields of food, design and culture. Most recently art director at Espacio Crudo. I have worked for Starbucks, Conde Nast, Pyrex, Av Inbev, and Sony Music, creating good loking visuals for all of them.




Tell Business Story Telling 
Southern Cultural Industries Market

The aim (︎︎︎) During the Southern Cultural Industries Market MICSUR held in Bogota, my role was to help creatives to make projects in a cross-disciplinary way. The networking event was the only chance to have all disciplines in a single place, and the aim was to get all to talk to each other. So this could have not been a common meeting. You know what I mean?.

I created the concept: More drinks, Less coffee. Transforming a business wheel space into a networking platform.

This challenge involved structuring a narrative discourse, the strategy and the design of the whole event, but also, finding a way to make people feel chill and talk about their expectations and future plans within the industry.

The event included the design of an analog visualization device to show real-time information about attendees, their interests, and the valuable relationships being generated. Jaggermeister agreed to provide snacks and drinks for the networking session, as it was an excellent opportunity to promote their product to their target audience.

The realization of a differential and effective networking activity that allowed attendees to communicate their ideas, projects, and proposals to generate alliances.